
Chattanooga Tubal Reversal

If you would like to learn more about Tubal Reversal, please fill out our form.

    Sorry, Fertility Center does not have a sperm donor program. We’re not aware of any local sperm banks in the area. The main sperm banks we work with are Seattle Sperm Bank and Fairfax Cryobank. They may be able to give you more information. Have a great day!

    “My husband and I both have children from previous relationships and most people and even a few doctors turned their heads at us when we mentioned it’s been three years and we haven’t been able to get pregnant. From the moment we walked through the doors at the fertility clinic, we we’re treated like family.”

    Jessica Steele

    “You guys are the best! Great staff! Thank you for your patience with me today!”

    Susan Eldridge

    “Dr. Donesky and staff have always treated me and my husband with great respect and empathy. I feel like I’m always taken care of, even on the bad days when I’m there to discuss some hard topics or do some not-so-fun treatments. Dr. Donesky was the first Dr to finally agree to perform a lap and diagnose endometriosis, which a lot of Dr’s in the past always deduced to “unable to cope to with period pain.” When I finally found someone who would listen to me and let ME explain what was happening in MY body, they found a patient for life. (hopefully not life, praying for a baby lol)”

    Alyse Anderson

    “I highly recommend Dr. Donkesky and Dr. Bird. They have phenomenal bedside manner and really want to find a solution for you. They never rush and always thoroughly explain. The staff here is amazing and always helpful! If you’re looking for a fertility doctor, this is the one!”


    “Love Dr. Donesky and his staff. Great care and support. Would highly recommend him to anyone going through this.”

    Mary Mars

    What Is a Tubal Ligation Reversal?

    A tubal ligation reversal, or tubal reanastamosis, is a surgical procedure to reverse a tubal ligation, sometimes referred to as “tied tubes.” About one million women in the United States undergo elective tubal ligation procedures each year, and many later seek the assistance of a surgeon to reverse them.

    Who Is a Candidate?

    A woman may need to have a hysterosalpingogram or a laparoscopy performed to determine the feasibility of success before a reversal can even be attempted. Reversal success rates are dependent upon several factors, including:

    • A woman’s reproductive age
    • The location and type of tubal ligation
    • How long ago the procedure was done
    • The final tubal length after reversal

    The best candidates for tubal reversal are women under age 31 who have had falope ring or clip tubal ligations involving the portion of the tubes closest to the uterus and who have no known infertility factors. Less than five percent of women with tubal ligations have damage that cannot be repaired.

    Please note: The Fertility Center does not accept Medicare or Medicaid.